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Optional features
Customize any of our party packages

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Karaoke - $150

- This price is as an add-on to any DJ service package

- Pricing for home parties or regular Bar events available

Double the Bass - $95

- This price is as an add-on to any DJ service package

- Get TWO ADDITIONAL subs for massive punch during the dance!

- Suggested for very large rooms / floorspace only

- NOTE - We always include Subs with all PA packages, but this is for people who want that much more PUNCH

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Quick View - Options list & prices

Click MORE DETAILS for additional info on each


- Photobooth - $795 as a separate service, ($200 off with any DJ package)



Dance related options:


- Karaoke add-on -  $95

- Double the bass - (TWO more subs) $95

- Additional speakers - $50 each
- Additional speakers AND wireless transmitters for other rooms $75 a speaker


Lighting & Decor related options:


- Gobo / Monogram / Logo - 


- Head table "mirror ball" effect lights - $95


- Projector(s) and screen(s) with media player - From $$$ (See additional info here) CLICK


Rent specific high end MOVING lights:

- $75 per duo spot

- $100 per "Intimidator wave"

NOTE - Computer control included to operate


- Additional Advanced lighting BUNDLE

 - (lasers , movers, UV), - Add $400



- Basic Pars - $20 each par (under table, wall corners), suggest packs of 10

- LEd4x uplight - $50 each, (suggested for back wall of head table or stage)

- 8 pack battery powered uplights - $375 - (If you need cleaner setup or need to change colours and patterns)



Projection and Live IMAG camerawork

Bundle prices available, see additional info.


Projector - 


Regular size screen - 


Large screen - 


- Videocameras Projected to screens ("IMAG", real time) - (See LINK)



Event & Venue related


Attend rehearsal

- play music cues, speaker & Mic for announcements (In Calgary only) - $100


- Insurance (if required by Venue) - $75


- Battery powered outdoor PA setup - $95


- If venue does not allow longer than 1hour for equipment removal, we will need to hire someone to ensure it is within that time at $250 in Calgary, $300 outside or you will need to clear extended time with venue (2 hour minimum)






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